Thursday, 21 June 2007

Work Rant

So, you take 3 hours out of your day to travel to and from the office and what does that achieve? Well, you'd like to think that your time consuming travel has been worthwhile and it has been noted by your employers and other employees that you are a diligent and focused individual!

My hubby constantly nags me to take it easy, to stop getting so stressed out and to take deep breaths when it comes to work related issues, but can I? No, is the answer! My work mentality is to do the best job I can whilst I am in the office. So, when I have afternoons like last Friday in the office, I then feel the need to shout out...but I can't/don't/won't through fear/cowardness!

Last week had been a particularly busy one and from my point of view a very productive one also. By the time Friday came along, I could feel the tightness in my stomach start to ease with the thought that there was only one working day left and I would then have the weekend to spend with my darling Danny and friends. However, a Director came back after a rather long lunch, boozy I cannot be sure, and had the right hump with life so who did he take this out on? Me of course as I was the only one around. How does anyone cope with being torn to shreds in the office without making a fuss? I should really know by now as it's not the first time and definitely not the last time that I have been slaughtered/shouted at?!

I just like to lead a professional dignified working life, so when I experience days like that for example, it makes me wonder what the point is in taking so much time out of my day/week/month/year. Oh yes, how easy to try and forget, it's to pay the mortgage, bills, holidays and the fun things in life!

I guess I wouldn't take these sort of work days so much to heart if I was an employee who took the pi** with long lunches, fake doctors appointments, late arrivals in the morning and early departures at the end of the day like a few others in the office, but I do as I genuinely try my hardest to make everyone elses lives easier each day in being efficient! No, I'm no model employee I'm sure....yes, I do take the odd fag break, and yes, make the odd personal call...but in fairness, I know a couple of working lunch hours takes care of this time!

Anyway, rant being over, am guessing should get back to the drawings board so to speak.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uh, difficult situation although not completely hopeless. I don't know your work situation too well, but if this happens again, then I would get up and leave while telling him that you are both adults and there is no need to shout, there are more professional ways to deal with stressful situations. I doubt that they would fire you for that (in case this thought crossed your mind); I actually think that it would impress him.

Or just say: "Excuse me, can you please not shout at me?"