Tuesday, 21 August 2007


You go to the cashpoint and try to withdraw money knowing you have some in your account. The bank will not supply you with any so you try a different cashpoint in hope that it's just empty of cash for whatever reason.....it happens again! You then try and top up your phone which you do on a regular basis with your debit card and the top up is not accepted for whatever purposes. This is when you just want to scream.......... you don't have any food in the flat, your train ticket needs renewing the next day and there are other purchases that are necessary to make.

You call the bank who pretty much promise that they will call you back after speaking to another department and they never do! So the following day you call again, get put on hold for a further 15/20 minutes and then relay the whole sorry story. Then, you are put on hold for a further 10/15 minutes whilst they transfer you to the fraud department. You are then told that someone has hacked into your account and has been trying to make payments to Curry's, Oxfam and other weird and wonderful places....."oh" you say, so you've cancelled my card due to thinking there are some fraudulent payments trying to be made and you're not going to call the customer to tell them!!! Obviously not, you just have to work this one out for yourself as though you are psychic!!!!

You are advised to take some ID along to your local branch where they will offer you some cash whilst your new card is being posted out (which really will take about a week!). You show an assortment of ID but these are not accepted due to the fact that some are in one address, others are in another, some are Miss and some are Mrs - "it really is me" you want to shout down their earhole but me thinks, not a good idea!

So, £1.45 in your purse, no food, need for train ticket etc. what can you do? You have to beg someone for a loan which in itself is one of the most depressing things you have to do!

Life is a complete pile of sh** sometimes, and without balling my eyes out again about this scenario, I am just going to picture in my head the things i would do to the person/people that have ruined my day so badly - they would certainly not survive if I ever were to meet them!! Bring it on...............

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