Friday, 28 September 2007

Going Girly...

Wow, what in the name of God has got into me lately? I've been shopping twice in the last two weeks, both lunch hours and come back each time with a new dress?

Not being funny, but if you knew me, you'd think i needed medical help! I don't wear dresses! I don't really do girly in fairness but obvioulsy one night when i've been sleeping, i've been hit over the head with a hard rock or something?

I also think I am becoming more aware of other women when i'm out and about and notice how much more effort they make to keep slim and dress well. They always used to intimidate me but i've come to the conclusion that i should really now benefit from this new insight and start taking more care of myself. Ok, i'm not suddenly going to walking into the office all dressed up, that would be a little too mad even for me, black trousers will remain!

But today, having had a couple of days where i haven't been feeling very well, i felt i deserved a treat, although in a couple of days time i will regret it no doubt. I went out and bought not only a beautiful velvet black dress, but some gorgeous boots and a little black bag!

I am out tonight at a soul and motown do with friends. I haven't been for a boogy in so long that i really wanted to dress up for a change so i can thoroughly enjoy it and feel dressed up enough not to be looking at others and feeling that envy you can when they always look so lovely.

Or perhaps it's another way of escaping from everyday worries and anxieties....who knows...but hopefully at least for one night i'll feel like a princess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me you are moving on, which is great. Life gets so much easier when you draw a line under a part of your life.